Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the most idiot proof way to keep someone from downloading malware?

I've had to fix this guy's computer 10 times now, and it's really starting to get annoying. What is the best way to keep someone from downloading malware, or what should I tell him to keep him from downloading it?

I made him use FF or Chrome, I installed MSE. I tell him not to do things he shouldn't do. But it keeps happening D:|||Get Web of Trust add on for Firefox or Chrome. It should tell him when a site is bad and when it's ok.|||Haha, I have the same problem with a lot of my friends. There is no fail safe way. Either they listen to you or they don't. First of all, it sounds like he needs to educate himself on what Maleware is (and for that matter what a computer is, lol). Tell him to stop downloading whatever it is he keeps downloading. Also, don't go to these sites that force downloads (drive byes). Ask him what he keeps downloading or what sites he uses. That's about all you can do, or just let his computer completely crash and teach him a lesson! And charge him next time. $40 should do it, friend or not. Also Firefox has some addons that tell what sites are bad, and so does AVG, safe surf.|||Using all the things they listed above are good. There are two other ways to make the computer very very safe. first a Custom Hosts file from It has 14,500 + bad sites listed on the file. The worst of the worst out there and is updated once or twice a month. This file sits in the "etc" file and is blank on Windows computers. It can be used to block bad things on line like ad servers, beacons, malicious links and downloads. It is so effective that I don't even need Super Anti spy ware scans. They always come up clean with no tracking cookies or anything. This custom file was recommended by Kim Komandos show and others. It prevents the computer from even going to the links clicked if the site is listed on the hosts file. It's a very effective layer of protection used in conjunction with Anti-virus and Malwarebytes. A custom hosts file is large and the DNS service must be turned off on the computer so the speed comes back. It works very well. This file just sits there and he doesn't have to do anything unless he wanted to add to it/delete a site or update it. - SECOND - OPEN DNS free*. This is the best free thing going on the net today. It also provides Bot net protection and phishing/virus protections. There are categories of sites you can even block like peer2peer garbage or porn or anything. JUST Last Month they stopped over a Million Phishes from happening and have made the national news. Lots of schools and Government business are going with them. All you have to do change 2 numbers in the router and computer. All this is FREE too.|||The best way? Or the cheapest way? Obviously, both would be fantastic, but stuff doesn't work the way we want it to. 3:

If he's willing to pay, get some good anti-virus with download managers and site advisers so they can warn him when he's going to download something from a dodgey site.

But if he isn't, like most of us, then he'll have to get free ones that aren't as good. Or he could ask professionals he's friendly with that could give him some advice on internet safety and some good precautional steps and software he can get for free, or at a good price.

Best piece of advice: DON'T DOWNLOAD FROM UNTRUSTWORTHY SOURCES. It'll save him, and you, a lot of belly ache. :3|||install linux|||Turn off the internet... they cant download anything that way

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